Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tid-Bits on a Tuesday

1) Did you know that when you are labelling pictures on facebook and include yourself, the grammatically correct way to do so is "and me" NOT "and I"? It's true :) Here's a test you can use to determine whether "me" or "I" is appropriate: take the other subject noun out of the sentence - what would you say? Example: If it's a picture of you and your mom, the full sentence would be "This is me and my mom" or "This is my mom and me." Therefore, you would label the picture "Mom and Me" instead of "Mom and I" because if you took "mom" out of the sentence you would not say "This is I" but rather "This is me." Get it? I hope that makes sense!

Two Egg-celent TidBits:

2) Did you know that you can tell how truly free-range the chickens producing your eggs were by how hard the shells of the eggs are? The harder the shells, the more access to normal grit etc. the chicken had as it meandered about. (Many times eggs are labelled "cage-free" which often just means that a bunch of chickens were jam-packed into a room instead of being put into individual cages, not that they actually have room to roam around : / ).

3) You can tell how well the producing chickens were eating by the richness of the yolks in the eggs. The better the diet, the better the color. Weak color = weak diet.

*I actually learned these two facts on Christmas morning... Nathan's parents have chickens, which they are raising organically, and when my mother-in-law asked me what she could bring to Christmas Breakfast, I asked her to bring eggs since I was planning to make an egg bake. That morning, my dad was helping me cook breakfast and, having grown up on a farm raising chickens, imparted this knowledge on me :) The Fair Family Farm (lol) eggs have very hard shells and very rich yolks :D
*Nathan's Parents' chickens lay blue and green eggs in addition to brown ones - how cool is that? I'll have to post a picture the next time I have blue and green ones in my dozen :)

Now it's your turn to impart your random knowledge on me ~
In the business world, are your socks supposed to match your slacks or your shoes???
I've worn them both ways (as well as fun patterns that match neither exactly) but I could swear I've been told before that they are supposed to match one or the other and I cannot for the life of me remember... maybe it only applies in a man's world anyway, where there aren't typically metallic shoes and what not...  ;) Just curious to know if anyone else has been told the "rule" here. Though rules (especially in fashion) are fun to break ;)

*and a random personal tidbit - I get to cut my first tithe check this week!!! I could pay it online right now, and probably will in the future, but I feel like it's going to be so satisfying to write a physical check and drop it in the basket on Sunday morning :) Nathan and I have been tithing jointly on the money that he earns but it's a totally different feeling when it's coming out of my paycheck. I didn't realize I would be so excited about this :D

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