Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Post!

Last night I wasn't really sure what to post on a blog. I got all excited that google finally worked with me and  I was able to make one and then when it was here I just stared at the blank screen with sleepy eyes.
This morning I am full of anxiety over upcoming life changes. So I thought - what a great place to put down my thoughts! Genius, right?
Most of you know that Nathan will be deploying to Iraq at the end of the month {though somehow half of my family didn't find out until Christmas - maybe if I had a blog then it would've helped? ;)}. Anyway, I think that's going to be really hard for C. She struggled with his last two week TDY. She's old enough to remember things like that and when he came home she did not want to let either of us out of her sight for the longest time. Fortunately, this is something we've been planning for for a while. What we have not been planning for, however, is Mommy going back to work, potentially full time.
I knew that when I graduated I would need to go to work part time. I'd been treating my "extra" student loan money as a source of income but it was only budgeted through graduation. I didn't plan on Spotsylvania County Schools being SO slow in getting me back on the sub list and intended to be working again mid December. However, since then I have thoroughly enjoyed not having a job and getting to spend every day with my precious daughter (even the days full of trials!).
I had an epiphane while I was waiting (and waiting and waiting) to hear back from the School Board that I should just work at Huntington Learning Center as a tutor. Better hours, technically better pay, right up the street rather than all over the county...only, when I went to pick up my application last week, I spoke with the owner for a bit and she seemed really interested in me looking into a full time position there. At the time I brushed it off as something I would be willing to consider after Nathan got back from Iraq. I even wrote my cover letter to that tune. However, when I turned in my packet last night, there she was again...and we talked about it again...I still wasn't biting. But after I left I got to thinking - what if this position isn't still available when I'm "ready" to take it? what if I don't get a full time teaching job in the fall? what if our tenant stops paying rent? what if? what if? what if? Is this opportunity being presented multiple times God trying to give me a gentle push? Or is it something I'm suppose to be resisting? Nathan and I have a history of jumping into things, and they don't always end up being the least stressful option when they finally play out. How much thought is required for a decision like this to be well considered?
So, I am anxiously awaiting a phone call from the director sometime this week, with a list of questions about both the part time and full time positions that will hopefully help us to make the wisest decision - with lots and lots of prayer!
My biggest concern is the adjustment for Cadence - is it better for me to wait until Nathan gets home, let her readjust to the whole family being here and then go to work? Or does that drag it out? Should I just sort of do it all in the same time frame so things can only get better for her? I know that "children are resilient" for I think that they are only as resilient as we force them to be and that while they may seem to "get over" things relatively quickly, that doesn't mean that they aren't affected by their circumstances.  I by no means intend to shelter my daughter from the world, I just want to make a conscious effort not to inflict any hardship that can be avoided...
I would really appreciate any input you have! How do you know when you're hearing from God? Did you struggle with something similar? How did your little one(s) handle it?
For now, C is up from her [cat] nap and we are off to Border's for some books to help Cadence with Daddy's Deployment  (and a 2010 day planner for Mommy!).


  1. Andie- I wish I had all the answers girl. However, I know you will be fine with whatever you chose to do. I do think in this job market, if you are ready- you should take the job. My sister had a difficult time getting a full-time teaching job this year, but finally ended up with something, even though it is not what she wanted. Just remember, nothing is permanent, and you can always change your mind later. God has a plan for you lady! and everyhing- i mean EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I have to believe this to get by day to day. I'll be thinking of Nathan during his time away. Hope to see you soon-

  2. I agree with Meredith that everything happens for a reason and perhaps this job opening is exactly what you have been looking for. Maybe God wants you to work full time so that both YOU and Cadence can get through the deployment more easily and you will both have something to keep you occupied throughout the day. I agree that the job market is awful and that this job might truly be a blessing in disguise. Do what you think is best. There will ALWAYS be the "what if" questions no matter what you do, but I think this might be a great opportunity for you. If you don't like it or you find that C really needs you at home then you can always step back and try again later. Ultimately this is a decision that only you can make, but I believe that God has a plan for you and He will never lead you astray! :-)

  3. I think you should go for the full time position. I agree with both of them, you can always change to part time if you feel that more time is needed with your princess. Deployments are hard! My husband and I joke that it's harder for the person who stays here in the states that it is for the one leaving. Everyone that deploys are without there family at that moment. They share that in common. You on the other hand might not know anyone who is deployed in the same time period. I quit my job half way through my husbands deployment and part of me wished I hadn't. On the other hand I do get to spend all my days and nights with our little girl at the moment. Your right, that job might not be there when he gets back. As far as the deployment thing goes, just take it one day at a time. It's seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel at first. Then after a while you get used to it and all you think about is him coming home and what you make him for dinner and how good it will feel to hug him and kiss him again.

  4. You have some very wise friends; No one can make the decision for you - it is not irreversible. You have to get all the facts, make a list of Pros & Cons and see which one is larger. I am not certain how to tell if this is really God's plan for you, I think sometimes he lets us make the choice and is there to pick up the peices when we need him. I also think we just feel it (in our gut)(heart)when things are right.

    Just remember that children also pick up on our unspoken messages, concerns & fears. If you are upset because of finances or Nathan's deployment, Cadence is going to know that. Even if you can't spend quantity time with her, you can still spend quality time. You also have a great family support system!

    Whatever your decision, don't feel guilty about it. If you do your best and stay true to your values, what more would God or your family ask from you?

  5. I agree with the thought that you can change things down the road. Just because you take this full time job doesn't mean that you can't still apply to teach in the fall. Think of this as a warm up. When I worked there the assistant director quit to go teach and they seemed to understand. I would do what you think will kepp your mind busy and active over the next three months. Cadence will be fine no matter what happens, kids adjust and with all of the familiar faces that she has in life I think she will do well :) Plus when she has daddy back she will have him for a month! Ask the questions and go with your gut, and look at the financial aspect of it too.

  6. Thanks ladies! You all give amazing insight and I am so excited that I finally noticed there were comments on here :D I really appreciate your advice and support and I will let you know how it goes! I've got to call the owner back on Monday afternoon ~ she, of course, called me on Thursday night, twice, while I was working the banquet! I called back Friday but she won't be in again until Monday...I left a message letting her know that i was interested in discussing the details of the full time position if they were still looking to fill it...we shall see!
    I feel lucky to be in a place where I would be satisfied and thankful with either situation - which was definitely helped by your comments!!!
    Thanks again :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!!
