Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Warning: Possibly TMI! ;)

I think we will be potty training soon....ugh. Definitely sooner than I was hoping. I mean, my intention has always been to wait until she was ready but my potty-training-dream was for her to be ready in the spring/summer so she could run around outside stark nakey during the process...
 Usually she could run around in a tank top and training pants in our house year round but our gas bill was ssoooo expensive that we dropped the temp from 72 to 70...which, after talking to many others is still higher than the "norm" but I think it's freeeezziiing. I guess I can throw some leg warmers & slippers on her too :P

I have been thinking over the last couple of days that she seemed on the brink of being ready and that I should probably pick up some books to introduce the topic from another angle.
Now I'm thinking I should run into Border's and grab those after The Little Gym tomorrow morning! lol

So, twice now she has asked to sit on the potty after Mommy pees. She hasn't peed in it yet but she happily sat for a while both times.

Then tonight at bathtime...the poo.

We had our first poo in the tub! ick. ick. ick. I thought I was going to escape this horror. Not so lucky.
BUT, it also led to our first poo poo in the potty.
What was frustrating about it was that we had already tried to poop on the potty when she was acting like she needed to during her bath. After a few short minutes she wanted back in the tub and gave up on the poo though. I figured - maybe she just has gas? She's not usually an evening pooper anyway.

So she's playing and she stands up. I ask her if she's ready to get out of the tub and hear 'plunk'! OH NO!!! REEAALLY????
I immediately pick her up, towel off her legs as quickly as possible and put her on the toilet. Yay! She finishes on the potty! So, she didn't seem as intrigued by what had just occured as I thought she would be, there was no "i did that!" moment, but she did get to see it, and flush it (which included saying bye bye to it) but she was more or less just worried about the fact that her bath was over now. She got a lil shower off with the pull-down shower-head-on-a-bendytube-thingy but there was no way she could have her bath rerun, all of the toys and the tub had to be sanitized and, fortunately for her, she had had plenty of playtime pre-poo. It was time to get ready for bed!  

Now she's sleeping soundly and I'm wrestling with potty training possibilities...

As far as method is concerned, I'm actually planning to use one very similar to an article I studied and critiqued in my Learning & Cognition Psyc class on potty training school aged autistic children. It should be pretty comparable and I'm hoping the timeline will be as well. I guess we'll see!

My question for all you moms who have been through or are going through this is what books did you use with your children? I have a couple in mind like "everyone poops" and "Once upon a potty" but would love to hear your input! Here's a list of Parents' picks if you need a memory jog on titles :)

Any other product or process suggestions??

Granny got Cadence a singing potty for her first birthday (which I decided to put up in the closet after she had determined it was for taking apart and storing calculators in, etc - I wanted her to get familiar with it but not to be use to treating it as a toy once she was actually ready to use it) and I'm thinking of picking up one of those toilet toppers too... she has training pants that Granny got her for Christmas, and I guess we'll need pull-ups... and lots and lots of changes of clothes ;) Am I forgetting anything?? I am ssoooo nervous!!!


  1. hahaha, reading over this again, I can't help but think of how Cadence would feel knowing this was published publically when she's 14. poor girl.

  2. Oh my! So much worry over something that is pretty natural - it just takes practice, practice, practice and PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE! Oh! almost forgot perserverence!

    Your Dad was potty-trained very early and then regressed, because he was so enthralled with playing outside he waited until the 11thteen hour to rush inside! So summer isn't always best - too far away from the potty!

    Don't be too uptight about this - sooner or later all children get it, they want to please you, so positive reinforcement is always good!
    Auntie Holly can tell you what books she used with Alyssa! I don't think they allowed children's books on this subject when my kids were little (I don't want to give TMI on them)!!

    Good Luck! Grandma

  3. I LOVE the book Everybody Poops. I think it is so funny. But that is because I like bathroom humor :-)

    Good luck!!

  4. I, too, love bathroom humor and am lucky enough to have EVERYONE i know having children and potty training...not to mention nieces, nephews, and a number of students who pee in their pants. I think everybody poops is an AWESOME choice, but I also look extensively at children's books (shocker) so I think if you go and see some that describe her stage in life...you should be good to go. Plus, there's LOTS of fun to be had in bookstores! :)
