Monday, February 1, 2010

You Are What You...Wear!

Okay, it is definitely true that you are what you eat (as I have been reminded by my recent "I'm getting ready to start a new workout routine so I should eat all the bad stuff now" decision - poor choice!). And though I began to give it some thought in college, I didn't justify beginning to switch over to organic foods until I found out I was pregnant. I haven't turned back, only gained momentum and even gotten my hubby on board! In fact, he even catches me off guard some times now! If you're looking into it, here is some great information on the best foods to start with and your local farmer's market is an excellent resource!
 However, we should not only think about the things we put IN our bodies but also the things we put ON our bodies. Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on your shampoo? Considered what's actually in your deoderant? Your body is absorbing those chemicals every time you apply them. Scary, I know. You can thank Jill Reid, my Human Bio professor last semester, for increasing my obsessions over natural choices. I have always given serious thought to anything that touches Cadence's body but gone with the "whatever, I've been doing it for years" load of crap when it came to my own. HELLO! Aren't I suppose to be the one setting the example? And it feels soooo good to switch over! Though I admit, there's a price difference on some things, I don't think you can really put a price on good health (plus, I actually use much less of my natural shampoo and conditioner than I did of the other stuff so I think it balances out a little). I hear over and over again "our parents gave us X and we're fine"...well, we're still in our 20s - how fine are we going to be in our 60s? Have you noticed the cancer rates?
I could go on and on about the reasons we should be conscientious of what we're putting both in and on our bodies and the downfalls of a capitalist society that says "give it to me now, consider the consequences when it's too late" but for now I will leave you with the strong recommendation to read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson and to check out your products on this link.
I also just remembered to become a fan of Reid's Ramblings on facebook, which I'm sure is full of tons of info on this stuff!
Stay tuned for an upcoming review of some natural products I've been using! (Though I am swearing off the internet for the next week or two to get my house and life in order, this will be one of the first posts when I come back!). And remember, every time you make a purchase, you are casting a vote - VOTE NATURAL. It is so much better to pay the grocer now than the doctor later!

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